陳少梅是20世紀中期北方畫壇極為重要的畫家之一。早年參加“中國畫學研究會”,後入“湖社畫會”成為骨幹畫家,長期在京津地區從事美術教育活動,在繪畫上繼承、宣揚了由乃師金城提出的“精研古法、博采新知”的藝術理念,深入鑽研傳統而不囿於“泥跡襲貌”的皮相之術,既傳古意,複見新姿,形成了具有一定時代氣息的新風格。 此幅畫作山水構圖,有虛有實,以實帶虛,或以虛帶實。高山峻嶺雲鎖其腰,山則高矣,色墨運用酣暢自如,豐富的灰色層次使畫面節奏張弛有度,老辣蒼樸之氣蓬勃而出。
Chen Shaomei is the middle of the twentieth Century northern painting one of the most important painters. Early in the Chinese Painting Research Association "," after entering the lake community will become the backbone of the painter painting ", has long been engaged in art education activities in the Beijing Tianjin region, in the painting of inheritance, preaching by Nai Shi Jincheng the" fine ancient research method, Bo Caixin's "philosophy of Art, delving into the traditional and not limited to" hit the track mud appearance "the surface of the surgery, not only from old, see new, formed a new style has a flavor of the times. The landscape painting composition, virtual, constant with virtual, or to take virtual real. The lofty mountains and steep hills cloud lock waist, mountain high, color ink using gray level rich hearty freely, make the picture rhythm relaxation, LaoLa Cang Park and vigorous.