此作由和田玉籽料雕就,頂部與背部留淡黃皮,以示料之身份。玉質細膩硬朗,扣之琅琅作聲,白度亦為不錯,油性較佳。大師以立體雕技法雕就一只瑞獸“麒麟”,但見天祿作蹲伏狀, 方口闊鼻,大眼隆起,口微張,銳齒外露,四足緊貼於地,趾爪有力,脊椎明顯,肌肉飽滿,蓄勢待發之神態活靈活現,神態威武而又不失溫順和善。
This work by the hetian jade seed material carving, top and back to leave a light yellow skin, to show the identity of the material. The jade is fine and hard, the button is catchy, the whiteness is good, the oil is better. Master to three-dimensional carving carving techniques is a benevolent "unicorn", but Paul follows into a crouch, square opening wide nose, large uplift, mouth slightly parted, and sharp teeth, four feet close to the ground, the toe powerful claws, spine, muscle plump, gaining momentum of lifelike demeanor, look terrible and do not break gentle kindness.