宣統二年(1910)四月,清政府公布“幣制則例”,並命天津造幣總廠預備鑄行國幣,該廠聘請意大利籍雕刻師路易奇·喬治(Luigi Giorgi)擔任總雕刻師,進行宣統三年版大清銀幣的雕模鑄造等籌備工作,此枚錢幣為宣統三年(1911年)曲須龍版大清銀幣,字跡紋飾清晰,齒輪規整均勻,鑄造工藝精湛,流通磨損痕跡明顯,包漿自然,品相完好,留傳至今,十分難得,具有較高的收藏價值。
Xuantong two years (1910) in April, the qing government announced "the monetary rule", and command the coinage of tianjin factory prepare casting line of national currency, the plant hire Italian engraver Louis, George (Luigi Giorgi) chief engraver, qing xuantong three years version of silver carving casting and so on preparatory work, the coin to xuantong three years (1911) shall be the dragon edition qing silver coins, the handwriting clear grain, gear neat uniform, casting process superb, obvious effect of the circulation of the wear, patina nature, appearance in good condition, may to now, very rare, have a high collection value.