在頂級寶石的收藏家裡,庫裏南家族尤其熱衷於尋找最稀有耀眼的寶石。傳奇鑽石鉅賈之子R.V. 庫裏南曾請迪比爾斯董事皮耶·杜·維利耶將軍幫他尋找一些稀世鑽石。有一次在金伯利迪比爾斯礦場的回程火車上,乘客們正在討論最近遠征探險的成果,其中鑽石金礦大亨,迪比爾斯的股東歐內斯·奧本海姆爵士聲稱自己最近的收穫比杜·維利耶將軍更勝一籌。當奧本海姆爵士展示了自己所得的鑽石之後,維利耶將軍立刻與之達成購買協議,最終他與R.V. 庫裏南共同分享了這批鑽石收藏。
The us GIA certificate (no. 6187293461, date: April 10, 2017) is attached to the us GIA certificate (no. 6187293461).
In the early years of the nineteenth century, Sir Thomas cullinan discovered so far in its diamond mines in the world's largest original rock of gem grade diamond, weighing in at 3106.75 kara, which named after Sir Cullinan diamond original rock and the cullinan diamond family he founded the world famous.The cullinan mine has produced a few different cutting and size of the diamond, one of the biggest star called cullinan 1 ", also known as the "star of Africa", is set in the royal cross on the sceptre.The second largest diamond, the kurinan ii, also known as the star of Africa, is set in the imperial crown.Both diamonds are currently in the royal collection, with the rest in the queen's private collection.