
清代 天然翡翠白菜草蟲花插
发布时间: 2019-02-21 12:17:02 334 次浏览

        附香港玉石鑑定中心證書(編號KJ 97491,日期2018年1月17日),翡翠評定為天然『A玉』。翡翠被喻為「玉中之王」,自明以來屢見於宮廷及時人記錄。玉器良匠往往慕仿自然,雕刻成品以和諧有序、宛若天成為至珍。



         Attached is the certificate of Hong Kong jade appraisal center (no. KJ 97491, date: 17 January 2018). Jadeite is rated as natural "A jade".Jade is said to be the "king of jade", since the Ming dynasty has repeatedly been in the court records in time.Good jade crafters often admire the imitation of nature, carved products with harmony and order, like the sky to become the most precious.

         In the shape of thousands of jade jade carving, grasshopper cabbage is one of the most familiar shapes.Cabbages symbolize abundance and abundance, and katydids symbolize many children and grandchildren and prosperity and auspiciousness, while katydids represent three features of natural beauty, human creation and symbolic significance.One of the most famous examples is the jade cabbage, the treasure of the town hall of the Palace Museum in Taipei.