
清乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯饕餮紋鳳耳六方撇口尊
发布时间: 2019-02-24 12:02:22 330 次浏览


        The two generations of silk and silk crafts in the Ming and Qing Dynasties were highly valued by the rulers, and the court offices set up workshops for the royal imperials. This product has a unique shape and is a kind of bronze ritual "respect" in the Shang and Zhou dynasties. The Qing Dynasty artisans joined the new design elements of the dynasty and created unique works with the style of the times. For example, the ancient light element and the short neck shape are added to the long neck mouth and the double phoenix ear. Emperor Qianlong loves ancient culture, and this product is satisfying his admirable taste, novelty and unique taste.