
发布时间: 2019-02-21 13:21:39 378 次浏览


        附香港玉石鑑定中心證書(編號KJ 97639(1-2),日期2018年2月6日), 翡翠評定為天然「A玉」。   

        The color of jadeite is natural and full of change, bright and pleasing to the eye. It is in harmony with nature and represents the vitality and youth of all things. Jade color bright than it has ever been the color of jade, its texture than any of the jade is exquisite, it could clear like a crystal, the value of it is also the highest of all the quality of the jade, so people call it "the king of jade", was deeply loved by Oriental nation especially the Chinese nation.

        Attached is the certificate of Hong Kong jade appraisal center (no. KJ 97639(1-2), dated feb.6, 2018).